Viburnum lentago water sprout

Hello, I purchased 2 Viburnum lentago (Nannyberry) plants at the BANPS plant sale this weekend. Both plants appear to be water sprouts, each has two shoots about 120cm long and covered in leaves. Neither plant has branches. If I prune…

Doublefile viburnums

Thank you for reading my question. I am wondering what you might advise when it comes to doublefile viburnums. I do not think they have been noted as invasive in Ontario but there are some places in the U.S. where…

Cranberry viburnum not flowering

I planted a cranberry bush (viburnum) 2 years ago. The plant is thriving and growing lots of healthy foliage as well as growing by several feet. The exposure is west and it gets lots of Sun. However, it shows no…

Brown spots on viburnum leaves

I have a Viburnum carlesii ‘Compactum’ which I planted 11 years ago. This year, it has brown spots on the leaves. I’ve looked on the shrub and can’t find any bugs or lumps. I live in mid-town Toronto.…

Replanting where Shrub had Powdery Mildew

I just removed a tall nanny berry viburnum from my garden. It had suffered from bad powdery mildew for a few years, and the shrub was too big for me to treat and control it. As the spot is in…

Snowball bush – viburnum leaf beetle*

We live on the waterfront in BC in a zone 8 and have a snowball bush approximately 50+ years old. It has always been very healthy until this year. About half the plant (a very large one) appears to be…

Viburnum Half Dead?*

Hi there, I have a mature viburnum that flowered beautifully this spring and half of it is suddenly dead i think even though when I snap the twigs, they are still green inside. One half has berries forming, and the…