Presentation: Balcony Gardening, North York Central Library

Apartment, condominium and townhouse dwellers deserve to have beautiful and bountiful outdoor gardens too! We’ll deal with practical tricks for successful gardening “above ground”, taking into account your special challenges, share design ideas, and recommend plant choices, including annuals, perennials,…

Balcony gardening

I live in Oshawa on the 10th floor facing mostly north and a bit west. I get sun in the late afternoon until sunset. What plants would do well in planters or pots? i am planning for nest spring.…

Balcony gardening

balcony 20’x 10’. 24 th floor. South facing. Protected on East and west sides by high walls 9’ deep. Would like shrubs climbers and some annuals. Just moved in in December . Please help . I am only now beginning…

balcony gardening

I have recovered my health and would like to start using my small balcony space with railings next year to grow vegetables/flowers. I plan to spend the fall/winter reading about how to do this as I have never had a…

balcony gardening*

My balcony is north facing and shaded by other buildings so there’s not much I can plant there. I’d like to put a couple of trees in tubs. Can you suggest varieties that can stand the lack of sunlight and…

Balcony Flower Gardening

My balcony (14th floor) is long (70 ft. by 6ft.) facing south . Morning and early aft. sun. It gets extremely windy at times. Is it possible to have a nice flower arrangement under these conditions. It seems to me…