Can these Cedars be saved from snow damage?

These two ornamental cedars leaned over during a heavy snowfall. Can they be saved? Are they at the end of their lives? Planted in 2004 and grew quickly to about 10m tall.…

Cost benefit – 8 globe cedars planted near house

I am in Humber Heights Toronto and I recently moved into a house with 8 globe cedars planted directly abutting the north wall. I am worried these might affect the foundation or cause water in the basement. To be safe,…

Thinning cedars

Hi, I live in Montréal and I noticed that my cedar hedge is thinning. The cedars are 30 years and they are swamp cedars e.g. the cheapest trees available. The cedars are now 20 – 25 feet high. Should I…

Small white paper-like webbings on cedars

Dear Master Gardeners, I have a wild cedar that seems to be infested with something that is making small (about 5mm) paper-like webby things on the leaves, and slightly bigger webs in cracks in the bark. One branch that has…

Brandon cedars

Where to buy Ontario grown Brandon Cedars? I can’t find any…

Emerald Cedars

13 year old cedars. Fertilized twice per year with irrigation. I have looked mites, spiders and do not see any (including webs). Can you help me?…

Swamp Cedars

Do you have any idea where we can buy Swamp (White) Cedars in Toronto? Having trouble finding them. We have a hedge but need to fill in a bit.…

Cedars in Pots

I have two cedars in 16″ pots – they are not the emerald. They are the cheaper one, with sparser needle growth. They stand about 4 1/2 feet tall. This will be their third summer in the pots and they…

Newly planted emerald cedars browning inside

We just planted about 30 emerald cedars (5-6 feet tall).  We planted them in Sept.  They get plenty of water and sunshine but we noticed most of them are browning on the INSIDE with a few brown branches sticking out…

Do White Cedars change colour in fall?

Hello! We had white cedars planted as a privacy hedge in April and they have been so so well! Last week however, I noticed some trees were starting to turn yellow. The leaves are soft and moist but the color…