Browing Mature Emerald Cedars

My emerald cedars are 10 years old and have been doing very well up to this year. There are several that are almost entirely brown and look like they are dying. My soil has a high ph and I started…

Dying Emerald Cedars

  Rain runoff in spring and fall from neighbour’s higher ground results in standing water which kills my cedars.  I have planted cedars three times. I would really like to grow cedars in this area.  Any  suggestions would be appreciated.…

Cedars or Japanese Yew for Hedge in Shady Area?

Hi Master Gardener! We are about to have some trees planted in our backyard against the back fence for privacy, and because it is a bit of a shady area (under the canopy of a large Maple tree), we are…

Perennial in Front of Cedars

Hi, I’m in the High park area. I have 3 cedars in the north east corner of the backyard. I would like to plant a flowering bush, in front of them, and then some smaller perennials. They have full southern…

Browning of Transplanted Cedars*

I have just read your reply to the gardener who planted 200 cedars, now turning brown in which you mention overwatering causing root rot and wonder if I have committed the same error. I planted 6 7′ cedars in a…

Soaker Hose for Cedars

This August we recently planted about 28 white cedars (7-8 feet tall) in East York. Any recommended brands to look for as well what the diameter and hose length should be? We were told any soaker hose from dollar store…

Emerald Cedars

I planted five Emerald Cedars this year, they were purchased at a big box store. They are all doing well, but I would like to move them, placing them along the backyard fence. I will be adding more new Emeralds…

Cedars for a Public Park

Where I want to plant cedars is right by a sidewalk and main road where it is subject to snow build up and sand. What cedars would you recommend for these conditions? I am in Zone 4B. Also, the less…

Proper Watering of Emerald Cedars

Hi, I’ve planted a row of Emerald Cedars in my backyard. The line of cedars is planted East to West and gets fairly full sun on a clear day. My question is that I’ve set a soaker hose to run…