Cherry trees did not bloom this spring (2016)*

Hi Master Gardeners, My question is about flowering cherry trees. We have a city-owned cherry tree (type unknown, the blossoms are white) on our boulevard that normally produces lovely blossoms every year. This year – nothing. The same goes for…

Planting a cherry blossom tree

Hi, Can I plant a cherry blossom tree in my backyard in July/ August? I am thinking of buying a tree from home depot and planting that. Any tips?…

Tree identification – Cherry

This large tree, is located in our back garden in part shade and part sunshine. It had a white fine early spring shedding, and now has green leaves and red fruit. I would like to identify this tree to ensure…

Tree identification – Black cherry

I have this tree growing in the back of my garden. I think it is a cherry tree, but not sure. Plan to move it to a sunnier location if it is.…

Cherry blossom tree diseased?

Hi there. I have some type of blossoming tree which was beautiful early spring. But once it lost its blossoms it has really suffered. It looks like some kind of fungus or disease. Any advice?…

Cherry Blossom Trees at Edwards Gardens

I would like to take my Mom, who has limited mobility to see the Cherry Blossom Trees at Edwards Gardens. The City of Toronto website states that there are 10 Cherry Blossom Trees. Are you able to tell me exactly…

Cherry Blossom Tree

Hi there, Do you know where can I buy a cherry blossom tree in Toronto ?…

mustang cherry plum

I have a question on pollinating a mustang cherry plum .I have read that you need one of two pollinators.compass cherry plum or sapalta. My question do I have any other choice ? Would a nanking cherry ( prunus tomentosa)…

European plum tree

I have 2 European plum trees that produce a purple plum. They have been growing at our place for 15 yrs. Each tree is alway loaded with fruit. They get to be about the size of a pecan and are…

Fruit tree cross pollination problems?

I have a Stella sweet cherry in my backyard (50 x 130 feet). I would love to plant a dwarf serviceberry Pumila but wondered if it would cause a detrimental cross pollination problem with Stella. Thanks for opportunity to ask…