Animal pests in garden

I live in Etobicoke near Centennial Park, abutting a small ravine. I have just discovered a very large groundhog residing under my white cedar garden shed. It has eaten the blossoms off my Bachelor Buttons, down to the stems about…

Compostable containers

Good morning. I was wondering if you know of any local places/nurseries that sell annuals or perennials in compostable containers. Thanks…

Commercial property native plant landscape design

I live in a high rise condo and our grounds (Beds, lawns and patios) need to be rejuvenated. I am lobbying for exclusive use of native perennials, shrubs and trees. Are you aware of any commercial properties in the GTA…

Amending beds planted with bulbs

I am in Thornhill and have flower beds in full sun and part shade. What is the best way to amend/improve the soil in these beds when they are planted with numerous spring flowering bulbs, peonies and other perennials without…

Your experience with Rabbit Deterrents

Hi and thanks for reading my question. I have rabbits under my porch (evidence – rabbit scat, defoliated euonymous and chewed off serviceberry bushes on perimeter of porch. I have a garden with collections of plants that were expensive (dwarf…

Gardening with Native Shrubs: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Shrubs in the garden landscape Although shrubs may be somewhat “overshadowed” by their taller and more charismatic tree cousins, their size and multi-branching habit make them the unsung heroes of the garden, valuable for both their variety and versatility. In…

Cedar Hedge removal

We have a tiny townhouse patio area that is separated by a very old and non-performing cedar hedge that has over the years not been properly maintained. The hedge will need to be removed. My question is can the cedars…

Crinum Lilies – overwintering

I have been seeing a lot of conflicting information about the hardiness of crinum lilies. I assumed that they would be tender and need to overwintered indoors. I have come across some resources claiming that they can be left in…