Soil for Container Gardening?

I live in a condominium in downtown Toronto. The landscape company installed triple mix into 2 cubic ft. containers. We are planning on growing perennials like Japanese maple, lily, etc. And annual flowers and vegetables. I think the soil is…

Planters for vegetables

I have giant wooden planters we built around the edges of our deck last year. We filled them with potting soil and grew some herbs and vegetables. I am wondering if there is anything I need to do to prep…

Fertilizing Container Vegetables *

I’m experimenting with growing vegetables in containers this year – tomatoes, sweet peppers, lemon cucumbers, scarlet runner beans. I made my own potting soil using peat moss, perlite, and a little pit of compost along with some slow release fertilizers…

Shallow soil container gardening*

Please name some vegetables I could grow in a shallow (5-6″) container garden. The soil is good, it’s a sunny location, ample water, but it’s not deep and I can’t change this. Are there any vegetables — aside from various…

Container Pots over Winter

How should I overwinter empty containers used for vegetables and annuals. I have covered the surface with plastic garbage bags in the past, thinking this protects the soil over the winter. Then just left them on the ground on my…

Replacing lawn

I have dismal grass in my small back yard that I’d like to replace with ground cover. I have a strip of vegetables and flowers on the sunnier side, and a strip of hostas and solomon seal which grow well…

Setting up a balcony garden

Hi, I have moved into an apartment. It is 17 floors up, east facing, with not too much wind. My balcony gets about 5 hours of direct sun in the morning. I would like to grow flowers and vegetables. Could…

Raised vegetable garden drainage.

Hello, I plan on growing vegetables in a raised garden bed this year and I am hoping you can tell me if it’s safe to use perlite in the soil. Is there a good substitute for perlite? Thank you.…

Vegetable Garden

We live in central Etobicoke and have a backyard organic vegetable garden of about 350 sq ft. The garden does not do well – many of our vegetables just start growing and then they seem to be stunted with very…

How to Grow Parsley: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Parsley – curly-leaved (Petroselinum crispum) and flat-leaved (Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum). Both curly-leaved and flat-leaved parsley are commonly used as garnish or for flavouring. Curly-leaved parsley makes an attractive, compact addition to borders and planters. Flat-leaved parsley forms a bigger,…