Species Tulips

I am wondering where I can buy species tulips in GTA. Thanks,…

Tulips vs Sedum Goldmoss Stonecrop (yellow star)

Hi I planted Tulips bulbs 7 years ago and they have been coming every Spring no problem. Last year, I planted Sedum goldmoss ground cover in that area. Right now, I do not see any sign of Tulips where the…

Transplanting Tulips after they have bloomed

I need to dig up tulip bulbs when they have finished blooming in the Spring.  Should I wait until the leaves have faded and gone brown or can I dig up while they still have green leaves and transplant to…


Can I gently dig up tulips just as they start to come up in the Spring and transplant to another site in my garden. I have a mixture of colours and I want to put the same colours together, but…

Pairings with tulips

Hi there, I am looking for groundcover plants to pair with tulips that are not invasive species to Ontario. My flowerbed is on the front portion of my lawn and contains a large magnolia on the Left side and a…

Where can I buy tulips/bulbs in the GTA?

Hello, We would like to grow tulips in our front garden. I have tried all my local nurseries and none keep tulips. Do you know where I can buy tulips from? Appreciate your guidance.…

Tulip varieties – perennial tulips

I garden in Oshawa (zone 5b), and my bed is loamy and in full sun. I recently noticed the lack of spring interest in my garden. What tulip varieties do you recommend that are reliable perennials in our area that…


I have many dozens of tulips in my garden, front and back. This is the first year that none of them have bloomed. I would like to know why.…


Hi! Would appreciate your advise and input with respect to when’s the next best time that I can plant tulips in my garden? Thank you!…