Japanese Maple in BC

My Japanese Maple has lost bark on its lower trunk and is showing signs of wilting even after a wet spring. We had a warm spell in March where it started to flower, but now it’s loosing its leaves. Watering…

Acer palmatum ‘Twombly’s Red Sentinel’

Hello master gardeners. I bought one Acer palm, twombly red sentinel last year. i was under impression that like other japanese maple my tree will grow red leaves all the time but no ! leaves of my tree tuened green…

Tree transplant from garden into container

I have a self seeded Japanese Maple, about two feet tall. It is growing into another self seeded Japanese Maple which is much larger, approx 3-4’ tall. I would like to separate the smaller one from the larger one, and…

Ailing Japanese maples

WE have two japanese maples in our front garden that appear to be ailing this year. It is fairly windy here but the trees typically are very healthy. We don’t see any insects on the leaves but it appears something…

Verticillium Wilt dispose of fall leaves?

I have a Japanese maple with Verticillium wilt. It is doing okay for now and dropping its fall leaves. I don’t know what to do with those leaves, though. Can they be put into the city compost collection. What do…

Japanese Maple

My church is considering planting a Japanese Maple in an internal courtyard as part of their 50th anniversary. While Japanese Maple are quite pretty, I was concerned that it was an invasive species (https://www.invasiveplantatlas.org/subject.html?sub=3001). I’ve also found this site that…

Transplanting a Dwarf Japanese Maple

My neighbour no longer wants her Japanese maple that’s about 4′ H x 4′ W with a trunk diameter of 1 1/2-2″. When and how can I successfully transplant it?…

Crimson/Red Foilage Japanese Maple

We have a small (25 feet by 15 feet) south facing back garden. Please advise on the most spectacular crimson/red Japanese Maple for this area. It will be planted three feet from an east facing wooden fence. We would like…

Japanese Maple

The leaves of my 20 year old Japanese maple are curling up, and on one branch they are dried out completely. On other leaves there is speckling. Do you know what causes this, is it worrisome, and Is there anything…

Bloodgood Japanese Maple

We’ve had a bloodgood japanese maple for over 10 years that reached over 12 feet high that always did well in our south facing backyard. This Spring, it did not leaf out…until this weekend when a few leaves appeared towards…