Allium flower buds all eaten

Hello! I’m hoping the TMG can come to my help again. The flower buds on most of my alliums have been eaten or taken away. Just a tall stem and top of the bud missing. There is nothing on the…

Partial Shade Alliums

I would like to plant a type of alliums that are colourful (a mix of colours would be great!) minimum maintenance, perennials, like shade to partial shade (my front yard faces west with a large shady tree so it gets…


Our onion and leek crop failed this year. Garlic was great. We are in south western Ontario. They are grown in full sun. Crops are rotated. Garden is watered occasionally when very dry. Soil is loam. Both were replanted once.…

Chives that don’t bloom

I have the responsibility for a small flower bed on Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto. We decided to alternate Chives and marigolds (with other herbs in the middle. It would have been lovely had the chives bloomed, purple to contrast with the…

Allium Colours

Hello, I love alliums and am considering adding some purple ones to my garden. There are several purple varieties that are near-identical, except for the hue. I’ve noticed that some alliums are more lilac/lavender in colour whereas others are more…

Red inside stems of alliums.*

Hello! I’m curious what the red is/means inside the stems of my Alliums. PH balance? I felt bad enough cutting them down! Then it looked like they were bleeding. Thank you.…