Partial Shade Alliums


I would like to plant a type of alliums that are colourful (a mix of colours would be great!) minimum maintenance, perennials, like shade to partial shade (my front yard faces west with a large shady tree so it gets afternoon sun for a couple of hours only). When should I plant them and how to maintain? Pruning required at all?
I am also planning to plant endless summer hydrangeas beside them. When should I plant these and how do I maintain them? Pruning?

Can you suggest what colour mix would be good beside white endless summer hydrangeas? Are these 2 flowering plants good beside each other?

Many thanks!! I look forward to hearing from you!


Hello, thanks for your question.

Alliums would do alright in the place you describe; they will bloom in partial shade. They come in white, yellow (never seen myself), pink, purple or blue and in a range of heights from 5″ to 4′. They are bulbs and most of them are perennials. They are very easy care. They bloom in late spring and last 3-4 weeks in the garden. Some of my alliums are just beginning to open up now.

Endless summer hydrangeas are cold-hardy reblooming hydrangeas that bloom on new wood (this season’s growth) and old wood (previous season’s growth). This means that they bloom earlier than hydrangeas that bloom on new wood only. My endless summer hydrangeas don’t even have many leaves right now and definitely no flower buds. This means that the hydrangea and alliums are not going to be blooming at the same time. Once hydrangeas begin to bloom, they will continue until stopped by frost in the fall. They come in pink, purple, blue, red and white and will eventually grow to 4′ high by 3.5′ wide. They need full sun to bloom well. Hydrangeas are not as easy care as alliums. They need to be watered well, not just when getting established, but throughout their life, especially when it’s hot.  If you want to do  pruning waiting until later in the fall or early spring ( some hydrangeas require a different pruning schedule as they bloom on old wood). Endless summer hydrangeas are a beautiful shrub with their big mop head type flowers from summer to late fall.