
Trying to identify and eradicate what is/are killing my seedlings. I had the same problem last year and it quickly spread to my houseplants. Everything was thrown out and started fresh this year, but having the same problem. Please help.…

Linden Trees with aphids

Hi. We have several linden trees on our property and all seem to be dropping a lot of sap, as well as now attracting a lot of wasps. The trees are quite large, 30′ plus in height. Is there a…

Black flies/beetles? on our milkweed plant

We recently purchased a Prairie Milkweed plant. I’ve noticed that it is infested with clusters of tiny black insects. I also see that there is honeydew on the plant. Is there anything I can do to get rid of these…

Asian lady beetle

I found an Asian lady beetle on our sea holly and killed it. Afterwards though I wondered if that was the right thing to do. Is there still hope for the native Ontario ladybug? If so I’ll continue to kill…

Insects on Rose of Sharon

I found these bugs on my rose of sharon, on top of the leaves. Underneath them, there seems to be hundreds of eggs. They are covering about 80% of the plant. It’s in a full sun location in Niagara Falls.…

Japanese maple and small black bugs

I live in downtown Toronto and I have a japanese maple that is just starting to bud. I have noticed that there are tiny black bugs on the buds…

Japanese Maple , Petunias

Hello, I was looking for some assistance. I have a Japanese Maple that was thriving a few weeks ago and now some of the leaves on a few branches look burnt and shriveled up. I am not sure if this…

Aphids attacking my bridal wreath bushes

Hi, Our backyard is backing on to green belt and back of the fence we have bridal wreath bushes all along approximately 45 ft wide and spring will be very beautiful!! with whole fence bloomed with flowers. This yr after…

tiny orange eggs, tiny caterpillar, aphids

Hello, I recently noticed tiny orange eggs smaller than a poppy seed (by which l mean the kind we eat in banned goods) all over a young Birch tree (I think it’s a Birch, l didn’t plant it). The next…

My balcony garden’s ongoing war with aphids

I love petunias and their gorgeous colours but what I DON’T love are the Aphids!!!! Every single summer, I buy petunias that look stunning up until August and then, the aphids ring the dinner bell and my lush beauties become…