Container veggie seeding in July?

Hello, and thank you for your expertise! This spring I seeded spinach in one of our north-facing balcony planters (30 floors up), and that’s been a success. It’s time now to clean those plants out and try something else. Would…

Low Maintenance Native Balcony Garden

I live in downtown Toronto at York and Queens Quay in a condo that faces east. I have a very long but narrow balcony (see photo). I would like to put in some containers to grow some plants that are…

Rooftop Planter Garden- Growing Trapped on Pause?

I planted seedlings from a reputable source just before May 24 in my 6 x3 foot planters on my terrace. Once in, they began grow, and then the rain came. We had loads of it, and everything seems trapped in…

Looking for summer plants for balcony garden

I live in a condo in the city. It’s on the 19th floor, facing East. I’m looking to get some plants for my balcony. Can you recommend a few that are not high maintenance and would survive the season or…

Munstead Lavender

How can I protect my munstead lavendar in a pot on the 8th floor Sw facing lake Ontario, should I completely cover it or burlap it?…

Tomato leaf disease

This summer, as with many years past, I nurtured three tomato plants on my south-facing balcony. Two were Roma tomatoes, and, for the first time, I experimented with growing an heirloom tomato (featured in the bottom left picture). Around mid-summer,…

Growing balloon flowers from seed

I have successfully grown very small balloon flowers from seed and wonder if I bring them in during the winter or leave them outside…,they are in a flower box with a good depth of earth…

Stargazer Lily

I have always put my stargazer lilies on my south facing balcony in full sun. Balcony gets partial shade in the morning and full sun from noon on. This year my lilies are struggling. The leaves start turning brown from…

weeping dwarf trees

I have a balcony facing north in Toronto I receive afternoon sun. Any recommendations for trees that would endure our winters in a pot and what type of pot should I use? Could I keep a tree like this indoors?…