serviceberry leaves

Hello from downtown Toronto. My “garden” is a terrace on the 21st floor. it faces north but gets lots of hot afternoon sun in the summer. Last year, I planted a Canadian serviceberry in a 28x24x27H insulated planter with mulch…

Grafted fruit tree surviving winter in planter

Hello, I have recently purchased a grafted fruit tree. The base is a pear tree with a mix of plum, peach, nectarine and other stone fruit grafted on each branch. I purchased the tree from a farm and they said…

Hardy roses suggestion for balcony

Hi there, I’m reading a lot of gardening blogs and forums, watching gardening YouTubers, etc., but I can’t, till this date, figure out which rose is best for my specific situation. I live in GTA zone 6 and I’m looking…

Suitable vine for balcony

I want to grow fast-growing vine to cover my west facing balcony wall. Which type of vine is best without being overly invasive? I have tried moon flower with a supporting structure. while the moon flower took hold but it…

Little Quick Fire hydrangea in containers

When should I prune these and when and what should I fertilize these with? They are south east facing Lake Ontario on the 8th floor terrace. They are in containers and are starting to show new growth. They also get…

Evergreen climbing plant for balcony

I am looking for an evergreen climbing plant that will survive Toronto winters on a north facing balcony. However, I completely understand this might not be possible with the given conditions. If that is the case, can you recommend some…

Winterizing cedar and blue point juniper in containers

Hello, I live in Bloor West Village, in a condo/ terrace south facing. My trees are subject to high winds on the east side (cedar) trees. The juniper trees are partially protected by the BBQ unit. The Juniper containers are…

Overwintering Begonia Bulbs

Good afternoon, I planted five Begonia (Fimbriata) bulbs in a pot in early June this past summer on my patio in Toronto. They grew and bloomed beautifully. Can I save the bulbs and replant them next summer? If I can,…

Over-wintering Begonias?

Hello, Since moving to a 29th floor apartment with a north-facing balcony, I’ve been experimenting with what will/will not thrive up here. The begonias we’ve planted in hanging pots seem quite happy; would it be possible to over-winter them somehow?…