I stripped a piece of Wisteria bark

Hi there, hoping you can help – a week ago, I accidentally stripped a piece of bark from the lower trunk of our 5 year old wisteria (I was attempting to pull a lower twig off – I know I…

Norway Maple Issues

I have a 20ft high Norway Maple (probably the ‘Crimson King’ cultivar) that is starting to lose leaves, and now branches, on its lower west side. Trunk is 19″ circumference at 4ft. I first noticed some minor leaf loss about…

Japanese maple bark peeling

I looked through all of the posts on Japanese maples with peeling bark, but was still not sure. My Japanese maple is about 15+ years old on the north side of our house in sandy soil. As you can see…

Ailing Serviceberry

I have a serviceberry in my west facing garden that is struggling. I am surrounded by a canopy of oak along the Humber river. The trunk has a blackened look, almost as if it has been burnt. I am wondering…

Japanese Maple

I have a Japanese maple tree. Looks like an animal (raccoon possibly) scratched off the bark at the base of the tree in the Spring on 2020. It grew zero leaves. Will it return or is the tree dead?…

Ornamental Orange Tree – Bark Damage by Squirrels

My orange tree is about 15 years old, just over 3′ high, and thriving on my downtown Toronto roof terrace. After a huge flush of flowers earlier this year it is loaded with small oranges. Today I discovered that an…

Lilac bush – bark under squirrel attack?

We’re in Willowdale – Yonge/Sheppard area – We’ve lived here 25 years and the lilac predates us. This year, for the first time, its bark has been attacked – quite severely. We caught squirrels in April/May munching away at some…

Redbud tree – possible infection

HI there I live in the Etobicoke area. I have a redbud tree (about 6 years old) in the front yard (west facing so it enjoys afternoon sun). It flowered this season. However, the garbage truck inadvertently ripped a mature…

Ailing Black Walnut Tree

I have a mature black walnut growing on my front lawn. This year I noticed a sizable bare patch on the trunk (see photo). I have also observed branches that are dead at the top. I called an arborist who…

Bark Damage to My Young Dawn Redwood

A few days ago, I noticed that most of the bark of my twenty foot Metasequoia glyptostroboides had been stripped off from the ground up to about 4′.  Footprints in the freshly fallen snow indicate that it was likely deer. …