In search of a rare begonia

I am looking for a begonia immense. I had one for about 40 years but unfortunately It died. It was started from a cutting taken from my mother’s plant. I would like to find another one…

Bowers Black Begonia

Hello, I have inherited a Bowers Black Begonia see pic from my mother who was born in Lemington, ONT and I suspect was brought to BC from there… I’m not able to find anything distinctive about the BBB online and…

Spotted begonia light requirements

So I was gifted this plant 2 weeks ago. It is sitting beside an East facing window so gets some direct sunlight but not much, it was cloudy the last few days in Toronto. Some leaves started to dry out…

Rieger Begonias – outdoors in containers

Scarborough, planted in large containers, in shade/partial shade, with good potting soil. 1. Approx. length of time to reach maturity of 12’x15′ ? 2. Will this plant perform in our hot Ontario summers ? Most info available about this plant…

Growing Begonias Indoors: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Originating in the tropics, begonias (family Begoniaceae) are among the largest and most diversified genus of indoor plants, with over one thousand species and thousands of hybrids varying from miniature terrarium-sized plants to giants over six feet in height. Begonias…

Annuals for Shade: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

An annual plant is one that completes its life cycle from seed to plant to bloom and back to seed again in one season. Annual flowers are often bright, colourful and very floriferous. In this way, they attract pollinating insects…