Red inside stems of alliums.*

Hello! I’m curious what the red is/means inside the stems of my Alliums. PH balance? I felt bad enough cutting them down! Then it looked like they were bleeding. Thank you.…

Overwintering Bulbs in Planters*

I have a large canopy of cedar trees and wondered if I could safely put my pots containing bulbs under them for the winter. We have quite mild winters on Vancouver Island.…

Daffodils not blooming this year!*

I’m calling for help, because none of my daffodils came up this year, and they’ve bloomed many years before. But I have never fertilized my bulbs. They’re white, with a pink centre, and I’ve checked that the bulbs are still…

Star of Bethlehem*

Recently I bought a pot of Stars of Bethlehem (orange) as an indoor plant. It has finished flowering and the leaves seem to be withering. Please advise if I can plant the bulbs outdoors, if they can survive the cold…

Saffron bulbs*

Hello Sir/Madam I am looking to buy some saffron bulbs (spice) I live in Ajax, Where and how can i get them. Thanks.…

protection of spring bulbs from polar vortex*

With the arrival of the polar vortex later this week, I wondered if I should cover young iris and daffodil shoots,some of which have recently bloomed. We live in the Scarborough Bluffs, and I thought to use some downed spruce…

Gladiolus Garden*

Hey, Toronto gardener here, aiming for an easy perennial garden that comes back year after year.  Gladiolus is a prime choice for me (low maintenance and beautiful, and I’m in a zone 5-6 area (Scarborough). As I am frequently out…

Growing Tulips: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Tulips (Tulipa spp.) are true bulbs. A true bulb is a structure containing a modified stem in the form of a basal plate, scales or rings, a shoot and a protective, papery tunic. It is a miniature plant containing all…