Allium bulbs – storing and moving

5B zone. Currently full sun. The previous home owner had planted beautiful allium bulbs 15 + years ago, I went to dig them up to move them after they bloomed and dried up in late July. For each dried flower,…

Replanting Tulips

Hello, Located in east Ontario, I want to replant a couple of tulips that come out in a busy place… I checked this site:,can%20be%20located%20in%20October Since the foliage of the tulips have now turned to brown, is it ready to…

Chives have taken over my garden!

Hi. Somehow my entire front yard/garden is covered in a thick layer of chives. They come back in increasing numbers every year. How can I stop them shy of removing the top couple inches of soil? Attached is a picture…

Grass seed with 17 nitrogen and bulbs

Over the years I have planted daffodil and crocus bulbs in my lawn for quite a spring display. Just recently my husband put grass seed on the lawn and it contained nutrients that turned out to be nitrogen 17. It…

Tulip bulbs came to life after many years of dormancy

Hello, I live in Toronto. Many years ago – at least 10, probably more – I received a pot of tulips that were blooming. After they finished, I put the pot in our basement, intending to plant the bulbs in…

container outdoors in March

Can I plant bulbs or small plants outside by my front door in a container? I cannot find any pansies at all at local garden centres which I used to purchase in February in the past.…

Winterizing calla lily bulbs

I live in East Scarborough. A friend said to make sure all the dirt is brushed off the bulbs and to store in a dry, cool place in a paper bag. Just wondering if I need to pinch all the…

Collecting Canna Lily Seeds

Hello! I have had great luck growing cannas from tubers and seed. When can I harvest seeds from my plants? Do I have to wait until they are black and hard like a marble on the plant? Or can I…

Stargazer Lily

I have always put my stargazer lilies on my south facing balcony in full sun. Balcony gets partial shade in the morning and full sun from noon on. This year my lilies are struggling. The leaves start turning brown from…

Squirrels eating bulbs

Hello. I’m used to squirrels breaking the blooms off my tulips (they don’t eat them) This year they’re doing the same to my various daffodils narcissus, jonquils etc and even my very favourite Fritallarias I sprinkle cayenne or mustard powder…