My heart leaved asters will not bloom

Hello, My garden is located in north east Toronto near Markham. It has clay soil and seems compacted. I planted two heart leaved asters side by side three years ago. They have let out stalks to bloom every year, but…

Clay soil in garden beds

I am digging up a few yards of clay soil for a patio project. I am hoping to avoid having to throw out this soil and wondering what I can do to it to be useful so i can spread…

Cedar Tree browning / dying

I planted this Cedar tree last year and it was fine during winter but it started to brown in the spring/summer time. I noticed that the soil was always moist and figured that water is not draining so I started…

Native perennials for full sun clay soil

Hi Toronto Master Gardener! Any suggestions for low and medium height perennials that are great for very heavy clay soil in full sun? Also any suggestions for year-round colour? Thanks!…

Shriveled Leaves on Dutchman’s Pipe

I am in Scarborough with clay soil. Planted New Dutchman’s Pipe this Spring and new leaves are shriveling up and edges looking rusted as it is growing. The plant wasn’t looking in perfect health even when purchased, but it was…

Perennial for our home garden

Looking for suggestions on perennials for our front and back yard. The soil is clay. We have partly sun and shade areas. These are pictures of our back yard. Thank you…

Worms and Clay Soil

My garden seems to have become a wasteland for worms. We had plenty several years ago, but for the last 4 years I haven’t seen a single one. The soil has become heavy and wet and we are trying to…

Soil prep for Karl Foerster and Hakonechloa grass

I will be planting Karl Foerster and Hakconechloa grasses together (the Foerster in the background against a fence). Currently I have a lot of clay in the area that I want to plant both of them (they will be together).…

Native plants for clay soil

I have very heavy clay soil. While I am adding raised beds for vegetables, I have areas that are mostly shade and no grass grows there. What plants/ ground covers can I plant on that shaded clay soil?…