Pruning new Clematis Montana Elizabeth

I am wondering how I should prune my new Clematis Montana Elizabeth (planted in May 2023). I know group 1 Clematis don’t necessarily need to be pruned, and they should only be pruned after they finish flowering, but I read…

Clematis spotty yellow leaves

I planted two Clematises ‘Jackmanii Superba’ this spring. They started growing well and more than a meter high now and it seems that they will bloom, but both show some yellow spotty leaves on the bottom of the plant. One…

clematis sprouts from bag open

Hi, Master, I bought some Clematis from local grocery store. When I opened bags, all of them have white sprouts already, length from 10cms to 25cms. Will these sprouts turn to heath stems? If not, should I remove them from…

Clematis leaves dry up

My Clematis leave all dried up? What might have caused the problem. Will this spread to other plants such as lily? What kind of soil is good for clematis. I added some wood ash to the soil, is woo-dash good…


I live in Toronto near Lake Ontario. I have had lots of problems growing many kinds of Clematis. One of the most common problems is that I get some blooms and then the leaves start to dry up, turn brown…