Hanging begonia – mildew

The leaves of red hanging begonia have mildew on them. It is not producing the flowers it should. Is there a solution I can use to restore the plant back to health?…

Emerald Cedars Dying in Sequence

Hello, I need some help from your experienced team. I’ve a row of Cedar trees at my home. The trees are now at least 12-14 feet tall, and it’s been 7 years since I got them planted. For the past…

Korean Lilac Standard Decline

I have a Dwarf Korean Lilac Standard that has looked fantastic for the last 11 years. Unfortunately, not so much this year! There are 3 main branches that all the leaves have turned brown and one branch with no leaves.…

Tree Pruning Co for Oak

We need a good tree pruner for a 100+ yrs old oak. The tree is on our neighbour’s property, a few feet from the fence. Can you suggest a pruning company. Thank you,…

Yellow Leaves on Peace Lily

Hi, My peace lily is flowering but the leaves are mostly yellowish. It sits by north east facing backyard glass door. I water it every 1.5 weeks and let water drain out of the pot. It’s a large pot not…

Flowering Tree Advice

We are looking to plant a flowering tree here at our condo complex in Scarborough, Ontario.. The site is partially over our underground garage roof with a depth of no more than 3 feet so roots must be more spreading…

White Pine

I have an apparent healthy white pine. 18 months ago 2 branches came down in winter storm, since then its had quite a bit of sap as expected comming from its wounds but also from more peripheral branches upto 8ft…

Silver Maple Leaf

We have a confined (by wood deck) silver maple in our backyard. 42″ across. More than 2 stories high. Arborist took a look at it just this past fall and said there was nothing wrong with it. Usually gets trimmed…

Black spots on leaves

Hello, I purchased this plant (unknown name) at a nursery in the eastern Ontario. Although there were already black spot on some leaves, I was expecting that new leaves would be growing fine. But every new leaf comes out with…