What’s wrong with my berry bushes?

I don’t know what’s wrong with my raspberry, blackberry, blueberry and honeyberry bushes and I’m afraid it’s blight. About a month ago we had to prune and ultimately destroy a pear tree that a Toronto Master Gardener confirmed (by its…

Euonymous Damage

I have extensive damage to my euonymous plant this spring, I guess caused by winter weather. Large portions of this mature shrub are brown leaved/dead. The bottom part of the shrub is fine; it’s just the top and middle. Can…

Mold on a pear tree

We found this hairy mold on the bark of our pear tree. It was only in one spot. Can you tell me please what is that? Is it dangerous for the pear tree? Do we need to spray the tree?…

Rugosa Rose

Our Rugosa Rose bush (I think this is the species) came up beautifully this spring and now looks like the attached photo. The green leaves and new leaf buds recently started to wilt and some are even turning yellow. We…

Diseased Frans Fontaine Hornbeam

I planted Frans Fontaine Hornbeam in fall of 2020. I live is zone 6 and the native soil is reddish clay. I used triple mix and compost to amend the soil in the planting hole. These tree get almost full…

Calamondiin orange tree

My calamondin has a clear sticky residue on some of the leaves. Just started. What is it? How do I treat this?  …

Diseased Salix Shrub

Hello Master Gardeners, thank you for providing an opportunity for people to obtain knowledge about plants. My house came with this shrub (see pics attached) and we have had it for over 14 years now. It has grown significantly over…