Siberian Crabapple branch die-off every summer

Hi, We live the Bloor Dufferin area of downtown Toronto and have a 20 year old siberian crabapple in our back yard. Each spring, it looks very healthy with new growth, lots of flowers, and very happy looking leaves. Then…

Scarlet Runner Beans being eaten on the vine

Climate: Hot and sunny through Summer (a little bit north of Toronto). Beans usually thrive. Soil is amended triple mix. Two beans are in pots, others are in a raised bed which is at least 40ft away from the pots.…

earliest date to plant tomato seedlings outside

Greetings: I live in inner Toronto (Ossington/Bloor). I am preparing Tomato seedlings right now (late March). Question: When is the earliest safe date to plant the seedlings outside (backyard)? Thank you,…

Powdery Mildew on potted indoor Rosemary plant

Good morning. I live in Toronto and have a 3-4 year old potted rosemary that I have been successfully overwintering indoors. Right now though, it is rapidly getting overcome by powdery mildew- worse at the top- and it needs immediate…

Cucumber leaves

I was wondering what went wrong with my cucumber leafs? Could this be viral infection? Thanks.…

Dwarf curly kale problems

Hi, I planted dwarf curly kale in a container (on our deck). a) I wondered why the leaves are such a pale green and not a robust dark green b) the very edges of the curly leaves sometimes turn a…

Pumpkin Question

Why do my pumpkin flowers rotted and the fruits did not form. Only one pumpkin grew bigger, the rest fruits did not.…

Zucchini Question

My zucchinis were doing well for the past month. Recently leaves turn yellow, flowers had rotted before they opened. One zucchini has not had flowers and new leaves do not grow. Watering is on repulse basis and fertilizer has been…