Dwarf curly kale problems

Hi, I planted dwarf curly kale in a container (on our deck). a) I wondered why the leaves are such a pale green and not a robust dark green b) the very edges of the curly leaves sometimes turn a…

Pumpkin Question

Why do my pumpkin flowers rotted and the fruits did not form. Only one pumpkin grew bigger, the rest fruits did not.…

Zucchini Question

My zucchinis were doing well for the past month. Recently leaves turn yellow, flowers had rotted before they opened. One zucchini has not had flowers and new leaves do not grow. Watering is on repulse basis and fertilizer has been…

bugs on my plums

I live in Belle River, Ontario. The plums in my back yard are green; when they turn red the plums have worm holes and other bug holes inside is all rough.  What can I do?…

European plum tree

I have 2 European plum trees that produce a purple plum. They have been growing at our place for 15 yrs. Each tree is alway loaded with fruit. They get to be about the size of a pecan and are…

Re-transplant Peppers?

Hello, This is my first year gardening. I built a couple of 4×8 raised beds in my small back yard. I planted bell peppers and ground cherries in the same bed, not realizing how massive ground cherries got! They have…

Hand pollination

I was wondering if zucchini needs to be hand pollinated. Do zucchini grow better when hand pollinated. How long does female flowers open? What time of the day do they start to open? Would you share any tips in terms…

The leaves of tomato seedlings are yellowing

The leaves of my tomato seedlings are yellowing. What might cause the problem? How to solve the problem. Can I transplant them now or should I leave them in the pot until they become stronger . Thank you.…