Container veggie seeding in July?

Hello, and thank you for your expertise! This spring I seeded spinach in one of our north-facing balcony planters (30 floors up), and that’s been a success. It’s time now to clean those plants out and try something else. Would…

Fig tree

My fig tree is 30 years old trunk diameter is about 10 inches it is located in a greenhouse 10 feet by 20 feet the crown is very ample (about 20 cubic yards) produced 2 abundant crops of figs lately…

Rooftop Planter Garden- Growing Trapped on Pause?

I planted seedlings from a reputable source just before May 24 in my 6 x3 foot planters on my terrace. Once in, they began grow, and then the rain came. We had loads of it, and everything seems trapped in…

Tomato stem bases rotting(?) At ground?

I’ve been growing tomatos in my raised garden bed in the last 3 years and haven’t noticed this before. I start tomato seedlings indoors and transplant them out after hardening. Seedlings looked great but within a few weeks of planting…

Chives have taken over my garden!

Hi. Somehow my entire front yard/garden is covered in a thick layer of chives. They come back in increasing numbers every year. How can I stop them shy of removing the top couple inches of soil? Attached is a picture…

Apple pests/diseases

I have 1 Honeycrisp and 1 Empire Apple tree in my backyard. I’ve had trouble in the past with codling moth – they are a problem every year. I put out molasses and cider traps in the spring along with…

Tomato leaf disease

This summer, as with many years past, I nurtured three tomato plants on my south-facing balcony. Two were Roma tomatoes, and, for the first time, I experimented with growing an heirloom tomato (featured in the bottom left picture). Around mid-summer,…

Winter Sowing seeds

Hi. I intended to winter sow earlier this year (as my older, colder, darker house and I tend to produce leggy and sometimes deady seedlings), but here we are already! What plants would be suitable for winter sowing now (Apr…

Growing Bell Peppers – Insect infestation

Hi, I have an allotment garden and last season had success growing pepper plants and getting them to flower and fruit but a black bug seemed to burrow into my plants and destroy much of the fruit. Other gardeners at…

Garlic Stem and Bulb Nematode

Hello, I am hoping to sort out whether or not my crop has been infected with the aforementioned nematode. My plot is in the west end of Toronto(zone 6a), in a community garden. I have been growing garlic there for…