
Do robins and chipmunks like them? They are decimating my haskap patch. I used to net, but was always having to release robins trapped underneath in spite of my best efforts to pin the edges of the netting to the…

Apple Trees

Why can you take seeds from an heirloom tomato and grow more tomatoes but it does not work with apple trees that have been on the property for 100 years? Are all apples trees garden centers sell grafted? I thought…

Apple pests/diseases

I have 1 Honeycrisp and 1 Empire Apple tree in my backyard. I’ve had trouble in the past with codling moth – they are a problem every year. I put out molasses and cider traps in the spring along with…

Elderberry bush

How to prune and still have blooms next season? It is about 4 years old only bloomed this spring. There were no fruit, only blooms. It gets sun. It is crowding out other plants.…

My Apricot Tree does not produce fruits

Hello For the last 6 years, my apricot tree has not produced any fruit. Though it had white flowers a number of times. Is it because of pollination? The tree is green and healthy and no obvious sign of any…

Unhealthy Apple Tree

We have a med / large Apple tree in our back yard. It never produce healthy Apple . How to treat it for healthy Apple ?…

Grafted fruit tree surviving winter in planter

Hello, I have recently purchased a grafted fruit tree. The base is a pear tree with a mix of plum, peach, nectarine and other stone fruit grafted on each branch. I purchased the tree from a farm and they said…