Tomato growing downwards (after a windy day) ?

Hi Master Gardener, I started trying to grow tomatoes for the first time after attending a wonderful Master Gardener session on growing vegetables at home. I realized that my balcony is not ideal for growing tomatoes because we get approximately…

Tomato stem bases rotting(?) At ground?

I’ve been growing tomatos in my raised garden bed in the last 3 years and haven’t noticed this before. I start tomato seedlings indoors and transplant them out after hardening. Seedlings looked great but within a few weeks of planting…

Planting vegetable and fruit seeds from Turkey

I have fresh tomato, pepper, grapes, and walnut that I brought with me from my grandparents garden in Turkey , that I want to plant in my backyard. I need help with seeding and planting process . I live in…

Fertilizing Tomato Plants in Grow Bags

I am growing indeterminate tomato seedlings in large grow bags for the first time. I am accustomed to top dressing tomato plants in the ground starting 3-4 weeks after planting. However not sure what to do with the tomato seedlings…

Crop Rotation and Winter Soil Amendments

I have a plot 15 ft x 20ft at a local garden club where I have been growing mainly heirloom tomatoes (heavy feeders) in the same spot for 10 years. I use quality turkey and worm compost every year. But…

Wilting tomatoes and cukes

Good day! My name is Marcela and I am looking for a place that will test my garden soil. Cole’s Notes – last year my tomatoes and cucumbers were horribly effected by “something” in the soil (that’s my guess) that…

Something rapidly killing off tomato plants

Hi there, I’m having a sudden and quickly spreading issue with my tomato plants this past week or so that I haven’t been able to identify (and respond to). I grow tomatoes in pots and in a layered raised bed.…

Browning tomato seedling leaves

What could the problem be? These seedlings were fine until a couple of days ago although one seedling shrivelled up and died. Now, all my plants seem to be affected as well as the peppers. Some of the leaves are…

Tomato Plants

hello, I have indoor tomato plants that have grown long and skinny ( my first time growing from the seeds). I now have re planted them into bigger indoor pots until I can plant in soil outside. How do I…

Brown Spots and Holes on Tomato Plant Leaves

Hello. I have several tomato plants and recently noticed brown spots and holes on the leaves. The basil plants seem to have the same problem. Please advise as to how I can stop this from happening. I have attached a…