My Annabelle hydrangea is drastically over growing our sidewalk, impeding strollers/prams etc. Can I just hack it back to a more reasonable size now (in full glorious bloom), or do I have to wait until late fall/winter? With all the…
My climbing hydrangea is about 20 years old. It is in my garden on the side of your garage. Each year the leaves and and the beginning of blooms return, however in the last few years the blooms have failed…
This potted shrub has produced a superlative display. Then instead of deadheading it I actually pruned it by mistake in midsummer. Now it is taking over my balcony! What to do? There are still a few flowers – do I…
Please tell me what the bloom season and duration are for the above shrub?
What size should I buy to get the largest, most mature shrub?…