Brown spots on oak seedlings

Hello, my son and I collected acorns in the fall and kept them in the fridge till spring when many started to grow roots. We placed them in vases and they have been growing well until recently when two developed…

Japanese Maple leaf problem

Hello The leaves on my Japanese Maple have brown spots – not particularly raised. Most, but not all the leaves are affected. I can’t see any insects on top or underneath the leaves. Are you able to identify the problem…

Japanese Maple – Bleached Leaves

Hi again, I appreciate every time I have written in and I have received great advice. So, what brings me here today? I am attaching a photo of my ten year old J. Maple. I just noticed that, on two…

Gardenia leaves/stems dying

We have a gardenia that was very healthy and blooming. It’s a cluster of some 4-5 stems, in a well draining soil (about a 12″ pot with lots of holes). It would have the occasional yellow leaf, but otherwise in…

What kind of disease is this ?

Here is a photo of my infected wolfberry. What might have caused the problem and how to treat it ? Thanks so much for your help.…

Cucumber plant issue

We are in east york and the cucumber plants get full sun. The soil is triple mix. Drainage is very good as our garden is higher then our neighbours. The plants in question are about 3 feet tall and spread…

Yucca plant developed brown spots

Hi, I have had this yucca plant for many years, it blooms beautifully every year, but since last year it developed very ugly spots , especially the bottom spikes. It started cutting them off, but I am not sure if…

Birds of Paradise

Hello we are following up with you about our bird of paradise that got burnt in the summer. Please see attached the leaf with almost a rust lik aspect, some black marking on the stem and a bend on the…