lilac tree for privacy

hi i am considering using lilac trees( single stem) for privacy. I need the dense foliage at ten feet , 9 feet and 7 feet. What would you say is the fastest growing lilac that would meet my needs? don…

Lilac tree leaves turning purple at edges

Hi there, My lilac tree is not looking very well. Many leaves are turning purple – starting from the edges – and curling and drooping. The problem is worse at the top of the tree. Any ideas on what I…


I live near Lake Ontario with a small yard with large tree.  There is a raised garden against the back fence. Have never been able to establish plants for any period of time except a burning bush. A lilac bush…

Heritage trees

Heritage house (1843) located on Yonge St. With Yonge St on the easr side, a pub and parking lot on the south side, it can be extremely noisy and litter can build up quickly. To the north of the parking…

Hard Pruning Large Overgrown Lilac shrub/tree

Hello I understand that it’s possible to rejuvenate old lilacs by hard pruning them to about 8″ from the ground. I read that the best time to do this is March/April – before the growing season begins. I’m sure this…

Lilac Tree

Hello! We have a lovely white lilac tree (actually, it looks like a couple of lilac trees growing together). We have just had some work on our house and yard, and the lilac tree is now in the way of…

Lilac shrub root-bound and not growing

I have a lilac bush in a container. whicvh i had planned to put into the ground this year. but it is not doing well.. the other lilacs are way ahead with their growth and leaves and flower heads forming.…

Save my lilac bush!

Hi, I have quite a large lilac bush that I am trying to save from my construction crew. The construction crew will be coming within a couple of weeks. Can I cut a branch off and try to root it?…

Reblooming lilac

Should I prune after first bloom or will that affect/ encourage second bloom…

Tree lilac girdled

Hi, We have a tree lilac about 4 inches in diameter that was girdled by rodents last winter about 60% of the way around near ground level. We added a plastic protector this winter and the tree is doing amazingly…