Tree Pruning Co for Oak

We need a good tree pruner for a 100+ yrs old oak. The tree is on our neighbour’s property, a few feet from the fence. Can you suggest a pruning company. Thank you,…

Brown spots on oak seedlings

Hello, my son and I collected acorns in the fall and kept them in the fridge till spring when many started to grow roots. We placed them in vases and they have been growing well until recently when two developed…

oak mast year

It appears that our oak and Ohio buckeye tree (and all nut trees in the area) are producing a huge amount of nuts this year. Can you confirm this year as a mast year? Can you explain why this phenomenon…

White oak leaves dying – leaves brown and curl

Hello, I live in Mississauga ON, with conditions of sun and shade, and clay in the soil. Our lovely, hugely tall tree that we inherited full grown 50 years ago, has been dropping leaves and twigs all summer long. The…

Red Oak with ‘gooseberries’

I have a volunteer Red oak that is now about 8+ feet tall. The tree sits on the east side of the house under the canopy of a 35 foot red oak, a 20 foot bass wood and another unknown…

Growing an oak tree in Southeastern Ontario

Good evening, I am attempting to grow an oak tree that has a lot of sentimental value to me. It is almost 2 years old now and has survived one summer in Montreal and one in Ottawa. It currently resides…

growing oak trees in pots

  I transplanted small oak trees (6″) into pots at the beginning of summer. They are all do well. My question is what do I do with them for the winter? Can I bring them in the house? Should I…

Oak leaf die off

My swamp white oak is experiencing leaf die off starting on the bottom branches and from the trunk out. There is browning on the tips of the leaves and curling but there are also holes in the leaves all the…