Proper Mulch for Black Mondo Grass

I plan to mulch a patch of black mondo grass (Ophiogogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’) to protect it from winter burn this winter. I was planning to make a small ‘wall’ with low stakes with burlap attached all around to surround the…

Puppy proof fabric planter for spring bulbs>

I have a new puppy rampaging round the garden. Spring planting is now problematic. What do you think of my planting in fabric planter – daffs and tulips – that I can move around?…

Covering hedges for winter

We replaced our hedges with Inkbox Gemberry Holly bushes to replace our boxwood. We were told that they would need to be covered in winter. When should we cover our Holly bushes?…

Winter Protection for Black Mondo Grass

Hi. I’m in Zone 5 to 6, close to Lake Ontario, so always a little warmer in the winter. I have a nice patch of black mondo grass. Some years it winters really well and some years not so much.…

Potted Mohican Viburnums not thriving on a Balcony

Hello, Back in July, I planted four Mohican Viburnums in Triple Mix in 23” x 27”planters on my terrace, which is on the 21st floor and faces west and north in Toronto, at Bloor/Sherbourne. The planters are along the east…

Overwintering English Lavender

Hello! My SuperBlue English Lavender died off last winter. Do you have any tips for helping them survive the winter in the garden? Can a potted plant be brought indoors for the winter? Ever hopeful, Audrey…

Covered porch greenhouse

Hello! I have a rather large fully covered front porch. It is not heated, but I am wondering if there is any way I might use that space as a greenhouse in the spring? It is north facing unfortunately, but…

Euonymous Damage

I have extensive damage to my euonymous plant this spring, I guess caused by winter weather. Large portions of this mature shrub are brown leaved/dead. The bottom part of the shrub is fine; it’s just the top and middle. Can…

Rhododendron–winter care

Last September (2021) I planted a “Nova Zembla” Rhododendron in my Toronto front yard (zone 6/clay type soil) facing south with my house on the north side of the Rhodo. Rhodos were hard to find in Toronto last year (due…