Blooming Peonies

Is there anything I can do in the fall to help my peony plants? we live in the neighbourhood just north of the TPB. Soil type is 3-in-1 mixture.…

Growing vegetables where peonies were just removed?

Is it safe to plant vegetables in a garden which had peonies grown in it for 25 years, but the peonies were recently dug up and vegetables Just planted where the peonies were. Is this safe for humans to then…

Peony Transplant Query Following Deck Demolition

Last summer I transplanted a Peony bush, but it didn’t bloom this fall. The attached photo shows the transplanted stalks as dried and white, under the metal tripod with reddish metal suports. Should I just wait another season to see…


Hi, my herbaceous peony’s leaves are turning brown. I am in Toronto, Sunny spot. Could you please advice what I should do? Thanks,…

Peony First Aid

Somebody put their bike on my peony bush this week, cracking the stems. Since it was after the blooming, I cut away the broken stems, and cleaned away some weeds, adding promix leftover potting soil, near the perimeter within 12…

Surprised by Mother Nature

I over reacted to the threat of rain and wind this weekend, cutting peonies before they bloomed. My concern is that they would bake in the sun, and droop. I’d placed adequate support around them recently to deal with the…

Peony with tobacco rattle virus

I think I have tobacco rattle virus on a peony. It is only on certain leaves. Do I need to destroy the entire plant? If so could I wait until after it blooms?…

Toilet Paper Tubes to Protect Peony Stalks?

I understand that peonies don’t like excess water at “feet”. Does that include after they’ve bloomed? I’m asking since my peonies in west end Toronto have bloomed, and I’d like to make a sort of edging by placing paper tubing…