Allium bulbs – storing and moving

5B zone. Currently full sun. The previous home owner had planted beautiful allium bulbs 15 + years ago, I went to dig them up to move them after they bloomed and dried up in late July. For each dried flower,…

Help with plant identification please

This is something that showed up uninvited (as best we can tell) in our backyard garden on the east bank of the Humber fairly early this spring, By now (mid-July) it is 5=6 feet tall. PictureThis and PlantID both claim…

Planting Narrow Space Along Retaining Wall.

#### **Current Situation:** 1. **Backyard Changes**: – my backyard used to have a downward slope, with the highest point being the last step of the deck, sloping down to the fence (a difference of about 2 feet). – I have…

Clivia Problem

Hello, I’ve had this clavia problem for a few years. I’ve treated it with Sulphur Dust because I thought it might be rust, but it didn’t help. It’s indoors in a north facing room, about 2ft diameter, and gets watered…

Growing trillium grandiflorum from seed

Hello! I purchased 60 trillium seeds that will be coming within the next week (now July 10th) to grow underneath my beech trees. I lnow they are slow growers and will take 10 yeara to flower but I want to…


I’m interested in planting the Fireweed plant (in Ontario) in the next month or so… will this species last until early fall, around October? Additionally, will it still appear to be in full bloom during that time? From my preliminary…


I grew asparagus from seed last summer in biodegradable pots, and transplanted them to the garden in early September. They seemed to be fine; most came up this year. Some have brown fronds. Don’t see any insects on them. Other…


I have an area next to my deck approximately 4′ X 2′ and am considering Baptisia for this spot. How many plants should I place in a plot this size? Thanks!…