Leaf mold on phlox divaricata

Hi! I’ve so appreciated your expertise on the challenges of trying to attract pollinators to my container garden. Every year (because of budget restraints) I try a few recommended native plants, hoping they can survive the winds and light challenges…

Name of this plant – Plant Id Phlox

Found in my neighbourhood, The owner does not know if it is a perennial or annual, but it grows in a bush about 8 inches in height. Found this last year in the Spring Many thanks…


Is there an outbreak of phlox this season? is it allergy time for phlox?…

Name of this plant – Plant ID

Found this in the neighbourhood. The height of this plant is about 18 inches and grows on the west side and has full sun throughout the day. It looks like phlox, but my tall phlox are taller and sturdier than…