Rhododendron under Black Walnut Tree

Could you help me figure out what has happened to my five-year-old rhododendron? The one in the forefront seems to be on its way out. But the one right behind it is still doing OK. Both plants are about 10…

pruning rhododendron that has gone leggy

I have 3 rhododendron, 2 are doing well but the one behind them is not. I have just transplanted it to a better location. However, it is very spindly. I am wondering if I can prune it and if so…

Haaga Rhododendron

My Haaga set buds last year but never bloomed…outer edges of some of its leaves turned brown…..it appears to be doing the same this year…..it has been in that same spot and bloomed beautifully every year for the past 14…

Plants For A Garden

Hello, I have a question about what type of plants to plant in a garden that is 75% to full sun exposure with loamy soil. I need three plants that are upright pyramidal coniferous evergreen trees that are 5-6m in…

Rhododendron: Do I need to cut back dead stems?

First of all I really appreciate your answer to my previous question: https://www.torontomastergardeners.ca/askagardener/does-my-rhododendron-look-fine/ As advised, I waited patiently for the temperature to become higher. And yes, it did start showing green new sprouts sort of randomly (some stems had them…

Rhododendron–winter care

Last September (2021) I planted a “Nova Zembla” Rhododendron in my Toronto front yard (zone 6/clay type soil) facing south with my house on the north side of the Rhodo. Rhodos were hard to find in Toronto last year (due…

Tall rhododendron for Toronto Garden

I am looking forward to planting my first rhododendron. I am looking for one that will be an accent plant in the backyard. Height is an important consideration -mature height of 8-10 feet. Flowers colors- pink or purple. Low maintenance,…

Does my rhododendron look fine?

Hello, I planted rhododendron in spring 2020. Last summer (2021) it became almost double sized with beautiful flowers. I put on burlap to overwinter (for 2 winters) I’m not sure if the plant has been protected well as I see…


I have a bush that produced only one flower this spring. It now has about 20 buds on it. What do I do now?…

Rhododendron, Braided Willow

I have a bush that has many buds ready to bloom at this late date. Should I cut them off the plant? Or just leave them. My second question is that I have a braided mini willow tree I planted…