Roses Losing Leaves

Hello, I planted mini roses (an unknown species) in summer 2021 followed by ‘America Climbing Rose’ in 2022. They all cane back this summer. I really enjoyed these beautiful flowers. But my concern is that this summer since the beginning…

Roses that influences each others aspect

Hi, I have planted a new rose bush, which flowers a bouquet of roses per each stem, close to an older one, much much older. After 3 years the older rose, which used to have one flower per each stem,…

Will these roses survive?

Transplanted in early April. Four different plants. Thank you for your help. Very much appreciated…

Rose chlorosis

Hello, I’ve read a lot online and here, and saw the post recommending to use chelated Iron supplement. My question is why is the chlorosis only in my climbing Rose Angela and not in any of the surrounding plants. Also…

When to plant roses

Hello, I would like to plant the following roses in my garden; what is the best time to plant them, in the fall (what month?) or spring (what month)? Thank you very much!. Canada Blooms(hybrid tea) Darcy Bussell (Austin Rose)…

Foam patches on my roses and yarrow

I have these ‘foam’ bubbles/clumps on my roses and yarrow. Are they harmful or should I remove them. The majority of my plants are native 90% and organic.…

Insects on Charles Albanel Roses

Blooming at present BUT many of the buds are infested with insects which include webs.Eaten into the bud. I just put on Safers insecticide – think its too late for that – I did take off some of the buds…

Disease in rugosa rose bushes

how do I treat these rose bushes. I have about 25 feet of rose bushes, facing south. my garden is just north of the 401, off bayview. The area of the bushes is fairly dry. most of the bushes seem…

Un-hilling roses in Spring 2024

Parts of my roses, where the dirt I hilled them with for winter has washed away, have started sprouting. Should I un-hill the rest of the rose plants now due to the unseasonably warm weather?…

Early rose budding 2024- when to prune?

Hi there, I noticed my rose bushes and apple trees have started budding (Feb 26, 2024). This is 1-2 months earlier than usual, presumably due to our El Niño winter. Normally I’d prune my roses when the buds start popping…