Flowering Tree Advice

We are looking to plant a flowering tree here at our condo complex in Scarborough, Ontario.. The site is partially over our underground garage roof with a depth of no more than 3 feet so roots must be more spreading…

Fruit of Cornus kousa ‘Satomi’

Am thinking of buying this tree have read online that the fruit falls in early fall and is messy. My question is – do birds in Toronto and/or squirrels or other animals eat the fruit? Or will i get a…

Serviceberry cultivars

I am considering planting a serviceberry in front of a somewhat exposed window. I am trying to sort through the different varieties and cultivars. The location is almost full sun much of the day and shade in the afternoon, somewhat…

Replant tree under bylaw 813-20

The white birch in front of my house died year and a half ago. We received permission to remove it and per the tree bylaw has to replant another tree. The arborist suggested a tulip tree for the report and…

Damaged Serviceberry Tree

Hello, Our Serviceberry tree was damaged in the last snow storm. See photo attached. Wondering if we should just cut the whole branch off or if it would be okay to cut off the lower part of the branch that…