Tulip bulbs came to life after many years of dormancy

Hello, I live in Toronto. Many years ago – at least 10, probably more – I received a pot of tulips that were blooming. After they finished, I put the pot in our basement, intending to plant the bulbs in…

Squirrels eating bulbs

Hello. I’m used to squirrels breaking the blooms off my tulips (they don’t eat them) This year they’re doing the same to my various daffodils narcissus, jonquils etc and even my very favourite Fritallarias I sprinkle cayenne or mustard powder…

Spring bulbs

Hi, I am new in Toronto [ Scarborough ]. I do not have much of a yard. I want to know if I can plant bulbs in containers that are on glass enclosed porch and bring them inside house during…

Spring flowers

I have just moved and i have a garden that is a mess! There is foliage coming up everywhere .. i think they are different types of spring bulbs. I want to tidy things up and although i do like…

Leaves on Garden in Spring

I listened to a gardening program that suggested leaving leaves on the garden in the fall. I have a layer of oak leaves covering most of the garden, with heavy layers near sensitive plants (rhododendron). My garden gets medium sun.…

When exactly do crocus bloom in Toronto

Hello there Thanks for all your help. You all have been great helping others. Thank you again. My question this time, When does crocus bloom in Toronto. I would like to know the Month and the day (like mid, early,…

Spring bulbs, Daffodils and Tulips

I’ve planted daffodils each year for the last 4 years. The first year, they look great; the second year, there are half as many and the third year they’re often gone altogether. I have even less luck with tulips, many…