Will my sunflower bloom?

I received a sun flower planted from seed with no idea what variety it was. It’s been growing strong now, but I left it in a fairly small pot. I am in Vancouver, and the sun flower has received quite…

Growing black oil sunflower and millet seeds for birdseed

Please provide information on 2 types of seeds used for birds – black oil sunflower seeds, millet, including where to purchase the seeds.  I want to grow plants so I have an ongoing harvest of these seeds for the birds.…

Sunflowers Allelopathy and Vegetables

I read with interest your reply to a previous question here: https://www.torontomastergardeners.ca/askagardener/plants-that-will-survive-sunflower-seed-hulls-toxicity/. I planted sunflowers in a part of my vegetable garden and was not able to use it this year. Are there any vegetables that will grow after a…

Drought Tolerant Annuals: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

As annual plants complete their lifecycle in a single season the concept of drought tolerance is a bit moot. Unlike perennials that can become drought tolerant after they are well established, our Southern Ontario short growing season means that annuals…