Something rapidly killing off tomato plants

Hi there, I’m having a sudden and quickly spreading issue with my tomato plants this past week or so that I haven’t been able to identify (and respond to). I grow tomatoes in pots and in a layered raised bed.…

Early/late blight, fungas, mildew on tomato plants

Dear Sir/Madam, I have 12 heirloom tomato plants in my community garden in Toronto. They are planted in full sun, properly spaced (35 inches apart) watered properly in soil that is augmented with mushroom/turkey litter compost. I have been planting…

Tomato blight

I have a small downtown garden. Only one spot has enough sun to grow tomatoes. I have various blights. What can I do to reduce early and late blights. I do not compost infected plant parts, spray early in the…

Composting Tomato Plants with Blight

My tomatoes had a lot of blight this year; there were good tomatoes growing right beside diseased ones, which I discarded regularly. Can I compost the rest of the tomato plants? They look okay, no rust, etc. on the leaves.…

weeds and tomato blight*

I’ve been trying to get rid of weeds  at my backyard garden for the last several years but without any success. This year I have planted my vegetables in the bucket yet the weeds are growing and engulfing the area…

Tomato blight*

Does tomato blight overwinter in the soil? We planted tomatoes in a bag of potting soil, they produced beautiful fruit, but then blight set in. Can we reuse these bags of soil?…