Persistent leaf curl on Tomato seedlings

Hi. This is the second of two questions about my crop of 24 cherry tomato seedlings that I started from seed on 10 march. One of my plants has shown a persistent upward curl on its leaves. The plant has…

Giant Cherry Tomato Seedlings

Hi. This is the first of two questions about my cherry tomato seedlings. I started them from seeds on 10 march. At this point they are between two and three feet tall. They have outgrown their light boxes twice and…

Apple Trees

Why can you take seeds from an heirloom tomato and grow more tomatoes but it does not work with apple trees that have been on the property for 100 years? Are all apples trees garden centers sell grafted? I thought…

Tomato Plants in Grow Bags Wilting

I planted several tomato seedlings in large grow bags. Recently had to go away for 4 days. Watered well just before I left. The weather while I was away was very hot. Upon returning my plants had wilted quite a…

Over pruned tomato plants

Hello, I discovered that my tomato plants were over pruned by a family member. All the leaves were cut off with the exception of a few suckers, leaves at the very top. Is there hope they will survive or should…

earliest date to plant tomato seedlings outside

Greetings: I live in inner Toronto (Ossington/Bloor). I am preparing Tomato seedlings right now (late March). Question: When is the earliest safe date to plant the seedlings outside (backyard)? Thank you,…

Expert Consultant – Companion Gardening vs. Crossbreeding Tomatoes

Dear Toronto Master Gardeners, I’m currently taking AP Capstone: Research , and I’m especially interested in your expertise. I would like to learn more about your work, particularly your article “Companion Planting: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide”. My experience working…

tomato fruits getting smaller

My tomato fruits are pretty big at the bottom, but they become smaller and smaller on the upper parts of the plants. I would like to know why and how to grow bigger fruits. Also How many fruits/cluster should be…


  What would cause a whitish ring inside tomatoes? The outside is nice and red, plants appear to be healthy. These are grown in a greenhouse.…