Dying beech tree

Hi there, I planted 5 Dawyck columnar green beech trees this spring to form a hedge. One of them was the most beautiful and the biggest (50mm caliper), came with hundreds of buds and the buds started to open as…

Screening Trees for Privacy

Hi, I have a small backyard with very active neighbours that run a daycare. While i do have a 6ft wooden fence…its almost like not having one when my deck is 3ft high. Im trying to find some small trees…

Maple tree disease

Hi Master Gardener, I have attached a photo of my maple tree. It seems that it has some disease. Would you please let me know how it can be treated? Thanks a lot…

Holes in Trunk of Crabapple Tree

I have a crab apple tree that gave a bumper crop of apples this year so I was very concerned to see rows of holes in the trunk – what are causing these and should I be concerned? Thank you!…

Hornbeam Waterlogged?

Hey everyone, I have an area surrounded by pavers that currently has a pyramidal european hornbeam in it. Its 5b zone, very compact clay soil, minimal topsoil due to the pea gravel for the pavers and everything seems to now…

Buckthorn stump removal

I recently cut down a buckthorn very near a cedar hedge. I would like to insure that it does not come back. I don’t think mechanical removal is an option. Any suggestions?…

Norway Maple

Are there any flowers, shrubs, grasses, ferns, etc. that can grow under Norway Maples? I’ve 2 in back garden which is surrounded on 2 sides by 6′ fence = total shade. No flowers survive, some Hostas do survive but even…

Dying Katsura Japanese Maple

Hi there, We planted a mature Katsura Japanese Maple in our front south facing yard about 5 years ago. It is currently about 12 feet tall and 5 ft wide. It initially thrived with lots of new growth, but in…

Ornamental Orange Tree – Bark Damage by Squirrels

My orange tree is about 15 years old, just over 3′ high, and thriving on my downtown Toronto roof terrace. After a huge flush of flowers earlier this year it is loaded with small oranges. Today I discovered that an…

Magnolia scale

Please give me an advice with magnolia scale treatment for a very big tree. Can I spray by myself and what product or I need to call professionals? The house is in Woodbridge. Thank you,…