Container veggie seeding in July?

Hello, and thank you for your expertise! This spring I seeded spinach in one of our north-facing balcony planters (30 floors up), and that’s been a success. It’s time now to clean those plants out and try something else. Would…

Tomato growing downwards (after a windy day) ?

Hi Master Gardener, I started trying to grow tomatoes for the first time after attending a wonderful Master Gardener session on growing vegetables at home. I realized that my balcony is not ideal for growing tomatoes because we get approximately…


I grew asparagus from seed last summer in biodegradable pots, and transplanted them to the garden in early September. They seemed to be fine; most came up this year. Some have brown fronds. Don’t see any insects on them. Other…

What is this on the underside of my collard leaves

Not all leaves are affected. I don’t know if this is normal or abnormal. I juice my greens so I need to find out what this is and whether I should just be ripping off these leaves and not composting…

Garden tilling service in Scarborough

Do you have a list of garden tilling services in Scarborough? My mother is a senior. I do her gardening for her. I have injured my back while turning the soil in her vegetable garden. Her garden is 10 ft…

When to start spring planting

In an oddly warm year such as this 2024- should I start planting in MARCH the seeds that call for “as soon as ground can be worked”.  Because the ground definitely feels like spring – even though it seems much…

Zucchini leaf insect damage?

Why are my zuccini plant leaves getting decimated. I can’t see any bugs. We are spraying with a enviro friendly bug spray. Doesn’t help.…

Winter Sowing seeds

Hi. I intended to winter sow earlier this year (as my older, colder, darker house and I tend to produce leggy and sometimes deady seedlings), but here we are already! What plants would be suitable for winter sowing now (Apr…

Growing Bell Peppers – Insect infestation

Hi, I have an allotment garden and last season had success growing pepper plants and getting them to flower and fruit but a black bug seemed to burrow into my plants and destroy much of the fruit. Other gardeners at…