Tree Drip Line Watering Best Practice

A tree in our front yard has a drip line whose radius now covers the two lawns, since it was planted 12 years ago, replacing a 100 year old maple tree. With the great rainfall of July 17 in west…

Planting Narrow Space Along Retaining Wall.

#### **Current Situation:** 1. **Backyard Changes**: – my backyard used to have a downward slope, with the highest point being the last step of the deck, sloping down to the fence (a difference of about 2 feet). – I have…

ZZ plant is unhappy after transplanting

I have two questions about my 3-year old ZZ plant. 1) I transplanted my ZZplant from a 6 inch to 8 inch pot when its crowded rhizomes started to come out of the top of the pot. I potted it…

Fig tree

My fig tree is 30 years old trunk diameter is about 10 inches it is located in a greenhouse 10 feet by 20 feet the crown is very ample (about 20 cubic yards) produced 2 abundant crops of figs lately…

Clivia Problem

Hello, I’ve had this clavia problem for a few years. I’ve treated it with Sulphur Dust because I thought it might be rust, but it didn’t help. It’s indoors in a north facing room, about 2ft diameter, and gets watered…

Failing Young’s Weeping Birch

  Hello, I’m hoping someone can reassure me. My Young’s Weeping Birch, currently the prize centrepiece of my garden, started making its displeasure known early last week about (I assume) being overwatered. I had watered it a bit in the…

Yellow Leaves on Peace Lily

Hi, My peace lily is flowering but the leaves are mostly yellowish. It sits by north east facing backyard glass door. I water it every 1.5 weeks and let water drain out of the pot. It’s a large pot not…

Flowering Tree Advice

We are looking to plant a flowering tree here at our condo complex in Scarborough, Ontario.. The site is partially over our underground garage roof with a depth of no more than 3 feet so roots must be more spreading…

Rooftop Planter Garden- Growing Trapped on Pause?

I planted seedlings from a reputable source just before May 24 in my 6 x3 foot planters on my terrace. Once in, they began grow, and then the rain came. We had loads of it, and everything seems trapped in…

Phlox turning yellow

MY neighbour and I both have phlox plants that are turning yellow before they even bloom. Is there a fungus going around? Thank you – Katie…