Training a young wisteria

I have a new Blue Moon wisteria (when purchased it was about 1 metre high) that was planted in May and has reached the top of the pergola, twining around a support. Now it has nothing to climb on to,…


We live in Rosedale, Toronto. We planted a Wisteria about 15 years ago, it faces South and seems happy, we try to follow recommendations as regards pruning etc. This year was the best ever for flowers and we got about…

Pruning old wisteria

Our old and healthy wisteria needed to be cut back for repairs on the deck and pergola. I cut it back be about half, keeping only the four main branches to a length of about 14 feet. The wisteria was…


When is the right time to prune a wisteria late April, Early May. I live in Toronto Thank you.…