Raising soil level and how tree roots react

Hi. The Japanese Upright Yews and Pyramidal Cedars I planted years ago are now an 18’ tall ‘forest’ that reaches more than 15’ out from the fence. This created a ‘forest floor’ where no plants grow even with mottled light…

Digging up and transplanting small trees

Hi. My hobby is bonsai. I have a garden bed where I do the initial training and styling of my trees. There are two small trees that I’d like to dig up and move to the training bed but am…

Yew tree issue

I have large areas of white stuff on my yew bush which is about 9 years old. I also saw white bugs about 1mm in size, moving. The needles are dying. Please identify and suggest remedies. It is positioned in…

Hard prune large yew hedge

Hello, I looked through the ‘find it here’ and didn’t see this asked previously and am therefore seeking advice. We have large yew hedges on each side of our yard. As we inherited them with the house I’m going to…

Planting yew and holly

Hello, We recently moved to Montréal from Toronto and bought a house. We would like to add some green (and maybe a pop of colour) that will last year-round to the front and back, including through the winter. Here are…

Yew or Beech for Hedging?

Good morning, I want to plant a hedge under the dining room window to provide some screening (pic included): Target final height 7′ / 8′ Bed width 2′-6″ Total length 14′ Drip line for watering N exposure, top soil, 2-3…

Tree/Shrub Suggestions for Zone 4b *

In a sunny, fairly dry location (rain dependent), what kind of tree would “anchor” the corner of my lot, near my sidewalk? I don’t want anything flowering (bees/insects), given the foot traffic past this location. Also the height of the…

My newly-planted yew trees are turning yellow !*

About a month ago we planted a row of 6 yew trees,  in the backyard, about 12″ apart, and in a very shady area. We live in the High Park area of Toronto, which has a very sandy, oak savannah…