City Compost shelf life

How long is the community distributed bagged 13kg compost good for,if I’m storing it in an unheated garage?…

Composted Manure

Hello! I attended Through the Garden Gate in Wychwood last weekend. I met a lovely master gardener at one of the houses who advised me that commercial composted manure these days is of poor quality – that it is often…

Compost Tea

Is compost tea useful? I don’t have space to make my own compost, but can get a bit of compost from a friend to make tea. Worth it? Recommended recipe and application? I see multiple variations on the web. Want…

Compostable containers

Good morning. I was wondering if you know of any local places/nurseries that sell annuals or perennials in compostable containers. Thanks…

Automatic composters

There’s a food cycler which Consumer Reports review with little support. Do you know of an indoor food composter which might be current, and has good reviews, since the Vitamix one seems more trouble than it’s worth. Facing major surgery…

Dried compost use from food processors

I noticed that Vitamix just designed a composter for the kitchen. Would that product output help as a winter replacement for salt, near garden beds, or is it too dense, or does it depend on the products we discard? I…

use of well-composted bones in soil

I have several bushel baskets of well-composted bones -mostly chicken. The meat and marrow are long gone. When screening my finished compost, I get well-composted bones. Can anyone use these to build up the nutrients in their soil? I don’t…