Brown cedar tree needles

My cedar started to brown last year and it turned out that it was most likely because it was sitting on a very thin layer of soil with clay underneath. I redug the hole to make it larger and since…

Browning Emerald Cedars

3.5 weeks ago I planted 18 6-foot emerald cedars in my backyard in hopes of creating a privacy hedge over the years. In the last 1-2 weeks I’ve noticed browning and dry leaves across all trees in various areas. I…

Help all emerald cedars dying

Hi there I live in Niagara Falls and I planted over 20 emerald cedars about a month ago – half of them are already brown (with a few dead). What am I doing wrong? My yard is full of white…

Planted Cedars…whats next?

I recently planted Emerald and white cedars in our yard, about 3 weeks ago. I put some bone meal in the soil and have been watering them deeply every day. Ive applied mulch as well making sure to keep it…

Emerald Cedar…Am I destined for failure?

We just dug up interlocking in our backyard. Went way overkill and pulled out all the clay soil and backfilled it with triple mix. We planted 6 ft Emerald Cedars yesterday. However I feel we planted them too close together…

emerald cedar

Windsor, ON. Jul.8th, I have one cedar. This was its first winter. 5 ft. Although it was wrapped in the winter, it suffered some browning. It is recovering with frequent slow watering. I understand to water into fall. My question…

Emerald Cedar Issue

I have a problem with three emerald cedars planted last year. They looked beautiful until this fall when the upper half of each now have brown growth. Not certain what is happening and if they can be saved. Any help…

Emerald cedar – planting in November

Good morning, we want to plant emerald cedars along our backyard fence. We would like to know if it’s better to wait for next spring or if there’s still time to plant now.…

Planting Emerald Cedars in November

is the end of November too late to plant emerald trees that are in pots and are 5 feet tall. Location London Ontario on well drained sandy soil .…