Dying and Browning Emerald Cedars*

Hi, I planted 26 emerald cedars at the end of May and while a couple had some browning most looked lush and healthy in all spots. Now, 3 or 4 appear to be dead and others seem to be following…

Emerald cedars damaged by car exhaust*

We have a row of emerald cedars that separates our yard from the neighbour’s parking spot. Their vehicle backs up to the cedars and their car exhaust hits the cedars for extended periods each winter day as they warm their…

Emerald green cedars*

Hi, iam wondering our cedars are facing west but are partially shaded by a large maple tree.The trees look decent but patchy should we move them to our back yard that has full sun for 6-8 hours.we also have another…

Emerald cedars*

I wrapped my trees last winter with orange snow fencing to protect them from the deer. When I unwrapped them this spring they all appear to be dying. Will they recover?…