Relocating/watering outdoor ivy groundcover now

Thankyou for getting back to me. You asked me to re-submit my question. Perhaps you misunderstood my question. About one week ago ( I live in Toronto ) we transferred some of my neighbor’s ivy groundcover to my garden (…

Relocating outdoor ivy groundcover

Today is Oct. 27 ( 16C In Toronto ). My neighbor has given me some of his outdoor ivy groundcover which I have transplanted already to a shady area .Most of the attached roots were kept intact in the soil…

Help! What’s the best pergola vine for shade?

Our backyard faces west full-sun. We had a grapevine over our pergola when we moved into the house. It brought many raccoons and wasps and we weren’t sad when it died. We decided to grow Boston Ivy over the pergola…

Can a green giant grows in a shady area?

Hi, I leave in a condo building in Toronto. My unit is at the second floor and it is above the garbage room. There is an exhaust louver beside the bottom of my balcony. Sometimes the exhausted air from the…

Evergreen clinging vine for shade

I’m looking for a vine, as described above, to cover a concrete block wall in Toronto. English Ivy? Any variegated ivies that would work? What about Emerald Gaiety Euonymus? Purple Wintercreeper Euonymus? And what about a Climbing Hydrangea? Does it…

Growing Ivy

I live in Prince Edward Island and for the last few years I have been trying to grow English Ivy…I bring clippings home from my sister’s in Nova Scotia.I start them in water until they have lots of roots…put them…

Yellowing Baltic Ivy

I am in the beaches part of Toronto. We have had baltic ivy growing over our front garden wall for over 15 years. It is a very sunny exposure yet lately I am finding many leaves going yellow with dark…

Wall Climbing Plant

I am interested in advice on a beautiful plant that will mature and cover the wall by climbing.  It is for an area that receives a lot of sun but little water (because it is sheltered from rain by the…